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NOMAD’s purpose is to create habitable offshore facilities for research, education, and intensive production of marine crops, which also serve as an ecotourism attraction in different coastal locations around the world, without compromising the fundamental guideline of rehabilitating marine ecosystems. 

Through current technologies for education, any high school graduate may collaborate in a program that will inspire and encourage them to create a startup of their own, while still dedicating time and effort to feed the world in a safe, reliable and sustainable manner.


The “Why” of NOMAD

People today feel worried, exhausted, and trapped. Some are hopeless and desperate, entering windowless offices to work for hours and stare at screens without even once looking at the sky or the horizon. Many have good ideas, but no way to carry them out, frequently, because they have no time, resources, or knowledge on how to turn an idea into a project, not least a reality.

The disadvantaged seldom harness affordable technology to improve themselves, particularly younger generations. The middle-class currently carries the burden of student loans, high taxes, and their elders’ pensions.

Furthermore, the latest pandemic that struck the world has magnified the anxieties around the frailty of economic landscapes. As a cornerstone of the economy, the food industry also requires change towards more efficient methods of production and distribution, in ways more attuned to environmental issues.

Aquaculture is a fabulous proposition to offset requirements for protein and organic raw materials, but it has yet to overcome spatial planning issues and environmental concerns. NOMAD’s integrated solution confronts all these issues and solves them simultaneously!


Long-term Vision

For the first year, a single module will provide insight into the needs and procedures required to ensure optimal outcomes at the lowest environmental impact. Other modules will join next so that by year five, the first Cluster will showcase its results to the world, and use them to promulgate its methods to ease its transition into a global operation, and create Clusters in similar locations.

NOMAD’s roadmap suggests that by year ten, Clusters will have settled in at least five more locations, thereby establishing the NOMAD Global Community Network. Aside from helping their respective coastal community, its crew will also be able to apply for temporary transfers or exchanges within the Network. Through this, they may travel, and learn from peers, while maintaining the security of food, shelter, and work, like their primary Cluster’s.


Unique value proposition

Other comparable schemes are closer to concept-art than to actual projects, as they have yet to solve critical technical aspects. Moreover, NOMAD’s aquaculture methods are much more economical and safer than other conventional solutions, as its on-site operations allow for immediate response times, while providing workspaces for simultaneous business activities to thrive as crops mature.

The chosen technologies allow for comfortable living and convenience to be part of everyday life: Fast internet, VR, drone technologies, and alike are only some of which NOMAD can harness to increase its reach and keep its community connected with their loved ones and the world .

As cohousing and coworking become increasingly popular and as newer generations become more interested in using than in owning NOMAD incorporates such concepts to maximize its collaborators’ financial productivity, by reducing their costs, both in time and money. 

NOMAD aspires to create “working communities” rather than simple employment: Daily standard objectives require 4-5 hours, after which the crew is encouraged and supported to become entrepreneurs, to eventually undertake other economic activities, related to education, tourism, or any telecommuting service, such as design, programming, research, content writing, etc. 

NOMAD will afford the easyities and online training, allowing crew members opportunities to raise businesses without sacrificing the income stability that a steady job can provide.


Fields of action and Service offer

  • The production for self-consumption of fish farming and shellfish.
  • The production and processing of macroalgae for the extraction and wholesale marketing of agar and other derivatives.
  • Training, environmental awareness, and productive linkage with coastal communities.
  • Courses of the aquatic variety: regulations, navigation, diving, species identification, use of geographic referencing equipment for marine activities, etc.
  • Internships for advanced university students.
  • Provision of online teaching material and hands-on learning practices for the NOMAD community.
  • Ecotourism services: food, water sports, relaxation, various arts.
  • Organization of sporting and artistic events for the free enjoyment of visitors.
  • Courses of interest to the crew: martial arts, yoga, music, computing, administration, etc.



Critical factors of Success:

Build and operate modular habitable watercraft to carry out R&D and training tasks, as well as the cultivation, processing, and sale of various aquaculture products, offering in parallel services related to local and foreign ecotourism.

  • Achieve profitability and financial stability of the production and processing of aquaculture products.
  • Sign profitable and financially viable agreements with prominent universities and educational organizations to attract internships and training of advanced students in fields related to marine sciences.
  • Achieve the acceptance and collaboration of the local fishing community.
  • Establish a link or alliance with tour operators to attract visitors to the NOMAD complex.
  • Demonstrate through environmental monitoring and rigorous interpretation of research data, that NOMAD’s operational processes not only promote the reconditioning of marine environments but also result in the project’s carbon-negativity.